Sunday, October 7, 2012

From Peregrine to homing pigeon

As Yogi Berra once said “when you come to a fork in the road, take it”.

It seems that Christine and I have come to such a fork. For the first time, our aspirations for the immediate future do not align and so we are going to each take our own path, she returning to Anna and to her work in Perth, whilst I continue southward into Mexico and then hopefully on through Central and South America. From there...only time will tell. 

Farewell lunch at a California Winery
But it has been an amazing 9 months traveling together. We have seen and done many awe-inspiring things and met many wonderful people, which is reflective of the past thirty something years together, and hopefully we will join paths once more on this amazing journey called life some time in the future. For those of you in Perth, it would be nice if you could get in touch with Christine when she returns in the next couple of days and make her feel welcome.

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